Friday, March 5, 2010

Favorite Friday Recipe: Shrimp and Scallop pizza

Once a month or so, B and I schedule "date night", where we take turns planning a date for each other. A night for me might include sushi and watching "The Proposal", a night for B--Mexican or some other cheese laden food. Last friday, B surprised me with all the ingredients for a DIY date night. He remembered a fantastic pizza we shared while on vacation in St Martin at a wonderful little restaurant called Rancho Del Sol. The pizza was fabulous--a thin crust with fresh shrimp and scallops and drowned in some sort of herb oil.

Here's their version:
And ours:

We had french bread and butter to start (in St Martin tradition) and polished it all off with a bottle of Riesling. A perfect recreation of our St Martin meal. Except for the fact that I had to watch "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" afterwards...

The recipe can be found here

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